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I am a Runner
I am a Soldier !!!

    Our soldiers guard our borders & keep us safe from external threats, while Police & paramilitary personnel maintain law & peace within the country. These Men & women in Uniform are always on their toes, performing their duty towards the nation, risking their own life & limb every day. Ordinary citizens like us also have a duty towards our society & country. Its not really necessary to wear a uniform or take up a gun in hand to serve the nation. We can serve our country equally well by fulfilling our respective duties, while at work or in our general behavior in society at large. By practising honesty, discipline, integrity and quality in our day to day life, we contribute to Nation building in no small measure. Let us rise above the boundaries of religion, caste, language, colour & class and help realise our dream of One Nation - One People. That will indeed be the best tribute to our Heroes, who make the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty for our sake. This year, as we put on our shoes to run the Satara Hill Half Marathon, lets remind ourselves of this commitment. Lets take this oath together.... I am a Runner, I am a Soldier !!! #MainBhiSipahi #मैं भी सिपाही !!!